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Eric Serra - "Little Light of Love"

Загружено: . Добавлено: 07 Сентябрь 2010.


Clip from the french composer / musician Eric Serra. Song included in his solo album "RXRA" and in the soundtrack for the movie "The 5th Element".

Eric Serra: Guitars, Programmation, Vocals
Nourith: Vocals
Sebastien Cortella: Keyboards
Nicolas Fiszman: Bass
David Salkin: Drums
Jean Michel Biger: Drums
Zohar Fresco: Percussions

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From a little light of love
I was born and in my cry, my cry
Was a little light of love
For the honouring of life
And the Pharos of my soul
Is this light of love
Precious little light of love

As a candle burning on
In the breezy shades of night
I keep up my faith and underset my hope
To call on a realm of light

A treasure
Your shimmer
In the middle of a shady desert
Brings on a field of light
In a light of love
Fairy light of love

Only one
Will lead us to the love we aim for
Over the dark illusions
Of the warring nations

A wind of anger leads the power
The destruction glorifier
And when the war is nearly over
How come the leaders are held in high honours

Would you die for their lie
For a greedy hunting cry
Rely on your light
On your inner loving power

A little light as sole religion
We will lead a light of love
A little light of love and freedom
We will lead a light of love
A little light as sole religion
Take this little light of love
A little light of love and freedom

Take me

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